Latest position:
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44° 50.5' N
13° 50.5' O
Veruda Marina, Pula, Kroatien
12:15 UTC+2
Weather report:
13.08.2019 11:45 UTC+2
88 °F
Gentle breeze from Northwest

Bluewater Sailing and Circumnavigation

Island in the south pacific After our decision to go long distance cruising, I asked myself a lot of questions e.g.:

  • How to prepare for blue water sailing?
  • What type of boat is most suitable for circumnavigation?
  • What nautical equipment is required, what is nice-to-have and what is not neccessary?

I would have been glad if someone explained to me not only the needs of a blue water yacht but also preparations at home for long distance cruising.

There are a variety of books available and also information can be found online, but nevertheless it was difficult to find what I was looking for. Thus we report our experience and considerations to the following subjects:

Additionally, our experience across cruising related topics can also be found here: